Things I Read This Week.

  It's no big secret that I love to read.  In fact I read everyday, even if it's just Celebrity Gossip (delightfully trashy) or comics on the internet (which happens when I'm too lazy/broke to go get more books).  I also read fairly fast; I can easily read a 300 page book in a day.  It's just a thing I do. However, it is the straight up/sad truth that I read a lot of fluff and crap.  Today's review does not fail in this category.  Here is what I've read this week.
 Two Gothic Romances by Dorothy Eden, and the first of another Trilogy by the Very Popular and Very Easy to Read Mercedes Lackey.
  I discovered many years ago my fondness for what is known as "New Gothic Romance" which is humorous because there's nothing new about a fiction novel from the 60s.  But I love these things.  Touches of paranormal, suspicious characters, romantic themes! and mysterious settings. Oo la la!  The sad part is I think it's basically a dieing breed of novel at this point, having been pushed aside for it's more modern counterparts of paranormal romance.  You know what I'm talking about Laurel K. Hamilton and Charlaine Harris!  I can only find these things at used book stores or the bottom back shelf of libraries. It's almost like a dirty little secret. heh heh. But enough blathering, more about the reviews/overviews.

Two Years Later!

Goodness, it's been awhile, my chickies.  If I thought about it hard enough I might feel mildly upset at not having updated my blog in such a lot time but not really.  Blogs are a lot like cookies.  Easily made, or bought depending on one's baking prowess, easily consumed, generally liked, but just as easily discarded if there is better fair.  Eventually one returns to the cookie when fancier desserts no longer have the luster they once did.  But in general, disposable.
These days I end up with a lot of free time in the evenings so I've decided to reboot my blog.  You know, use it for it the general stuff like fluffing out my ego, making witty/bitchy observations, talking shit about shit, showing pictures etc etc.  Good stuff!
The following are things that have occurred in the past two years:
  1. I quit secretary school and consequently my job as a lab and field grunt
  2. I moved to New Orleans!
  3. Got a job selling fancy dancy chocolate for two years and consequently gained about 20-30 lbs.  Mmmm Godiva.
  4. I acquired a boyfriend 
  5. Went back to school for dental assisting-in retrospect it was a giant waste of money just to pick a career direction. Have now acquired a 10k student loan to go with it. yeehaw.
  6. Lost said boyfriend and humorously enough still lived in his house for an extra six months while I finished school-much to his great consternation. Which was something of a story but not worthy of rehashing here.  Fortunately, no longer feel awkward/angry about it anymore, it's nice to be back to the warm indifference phase.
  7. Moved into my own apartment! 
  8. Got a job at a dental office as a receptionist because I have "a great background in customer service" and consequently do none of the stuff I learned in dental assisting school. Yeyyy!
  9. Decided a few weeks ago as I sat in the breezeway having lunch and watching cute gay guys in tight pants walk by, that I truly hate the mall and it's weird work hours.  So I quit and there was much rejoicing on my part. Huzzah!
  10. But now I need to find another second job, or a better primary job. :/ One or the other.  These bills need paying! Not to say that they aren't being paid now, but I'd like some wiggle room left over money-wise at the end of the month in case my car decided to hate me again.
Anyway, that's what's new!  <3