It happens more often than I care to admit.

As frequently is the case when I have a themed pony to make, I tend to generate a number of ideas before I decide on what I really want to do. The only difference from then and now is that I actually drew out several Peacock pony themed concepts instead of letting them stew in my head and eventually forget. I made four to be precise. Seeing as how they were all pretty awesome designs I decided that it would be in my best interest to attempt all four! However, sometimes when I'm in the middle of jobs that require a lot of sculpting I get easily sidetracked in my design. Thus I end up with designs that only vaguely resemble the look I was going for. But the end result is awesome enough to stand on its own so it doesn't make sense to scrap it all together.

Example #1 Paoni-in which the shapes were generally the same but entirely different in the details.

(What I intended to do.)

(What I actually made.)

Personally, I like it. But it presents its own set of issues now.

  1. This is my second attempt at this design in which things did not turn out as planned.
  2. I will need to find a new bait.
  3. Must now contemplate if I’m willing to pursue the peacock theme all the way with this new design. If not then I must generate a new color scheme entirely and I am feeling very lazy.
  4. I’ll still have to try again with the original design. Dagnabbit.

Case #2 Pavoni-in which what I was going for turned out nothing like what I generated.

I personally very much enjoy the idea of carousel ponies. I’ve loved carousels since I was but a wee cannon of creativity. When I drew this idea, I was very excited because it looked awesome and it would translate well if made properly. I eagerly set about making her as soon as the Paoni was baking in the oven. This time with a set determination that I would actually follow my ding donged design this time.

Well…talk about missing the sculpting mark. What I ended up making was this asymmetrical carousel saddle. Sigh. Don’t get me wrong, I obviously really love the shapes if I went ahead and baked it to permanence, but this isn’t helping the whole paper-to-life translation. The problem is I keep letting the sculpey speak to me too much.

On the plus side of things, at least the other two designs are coming out okay. On the downside of things, these ponies only add to my ever growing collection of Works-in-Progress. Sad is the lineup of ponies waiting to be finished... Sad and long!

1 comment:

  1. That pony looks so awesome. I really can't wait to see the finished product.
